Welcome, Boss Lady!

Let's Organize, Systemize, & Monetize Your Online Biz, Together

Start with just a "Little Oil"

Build a profitABLE online business and become the successful entrepreneur you're meant to be. Start Now with the “Little Oil" newsletter to get one share + one short + one shift on Wednesdays.
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So glad you’re here!

Welcome| Boss Lady|

Let's build your profitABLE online business so you become the successful entrepreneur you're meant to be.

Start Now with the “Little Oil" newsletter to get one share + one short + one shift every Wednesday.

Are You a Profit Magnet, Boss Lady? 

Take the Quiz to Discover Your ProfitABILITY

  • Start with the fun, quick and easy quiz to discover the exact areas where you might be leaving money on the table. 
  • Check out your immediate results that'll pop up once your quiz is completed. Your results will give you validation for the right track actions and insight for pivotal actions.
  • Then, be on the lookout for the "Your Next Power Move" email coming your way. No matter where you are in your journey, we'll take the steps, together, to organize, systemize, and monetize your online business to achieve business success.

Let's Do a Quick Check-In, Boss Lady

How are you feeling today? I've Curated These Articles for Your Support and a Little Relief

Feeling Like an Island In Your Business?

There are eight valid reasons why and you can take actionable steps to change it.


Answer your "WHY"! It's the key to overcoming overwhelm that comes with being in business

Trouble Saying, "No!"

Saying, "No" to others is the least of your worries....the real power is saying "no" to...


Grow from Just an Idea to the Successful Entrepreneur You're Meant to be.

I'm with YOU every step of the way!


 Launch as a Content Creator with the LeapHer™ Course

Have an idea you've been putting off cause you don't know where to start? No Worries! You're 3 Steps away...You'll do this work with theLeapHer Start-up Blueprint course


 Build Your Biz  in Cura Circle™ Boss Lady Community

Ready to Build Your ProfitABLE Online Business without stress, strain, or struggle? Let's Organize, System, Monetize Your Business. We do this work in Cura Circle™ 


Grow Your Empire in Cura'd™Woman Inner Circle

You launched that brilliant idea of yours and built a successful online business. Now you're ready grow your empire and establish your legacy.  We do this work in the Inner Circle.

Boss Ladies Share Their Story…

Contributing good #bosslady vibes for women at events and in the media! 


Get Ready to Bond with One Voice, One Mind, One Mission--Purposeful Success for US ALL!

Join Us for a Little PB&J

"All It Takes is a Little PB&J for "Purposeful Success" in Life and Business" -Angela
The PB&J LIVE Video Podcast is the gathering of the minds where women of faith have rich conversations about how to break free financially and fulfill your meaningful work by living “on purpose”, leveraging business, with Jesus at the center of IT ALL! 

Position Your Life for the Success You're Working So Hard to Achieve!

Organize Your Life in 37 Minutes

Are You Left Feeling Overworked, Overwhelmed, and Off-Centered These Days?

It’s common to feel like control over your life is constantly slipping away. We’ve all heard that time management is the key to managing a busy life, but sometimes putting even the best time management strategies to good use can feel like an impossible task.

Organize Your Life in 37 Minutes is here to rescue you!

You’ll Be Able to Activate:

 The fastest way to take control of your busy life especially whey you're super busy!

 Practical steps for self-discovery to de-clutter your mind and de-stress your life.

 A quick and easy life map system that you can rinse and repeat to make your every day life easy to manage.

Get Your Copy Now and Take Your Life Back!